Average temperatures in Prague

Averages for Prague in August
Weather condition lowdown
August is often the hottest month of the year for Prague, Czech Republic. With this month, the common heat when it comes to city starts at 18.5°C, produced by highs of 24°C during daytime and lows of 13°C at night. This gradually falls down to about 17.5°C because of the middle for the month, developed by highs of 23°C during daytime and lows of 12°C after dark, before achieving a low of 16°C by the end associated with the thirty days, produced by highs of 21°C during the daytime and lows of 11°C at night. This will make 1st week of August local plumber to check out if you want to holiday in Prague if the town has reached its hottest.
Though it only does occur on about as soon as every ten times, conditions can occasionally rise above 29°C and fall below 7°C in Prague in August. The latest temperature ever before recorded when you look at the city during this month is 37°C, whilst the coldest heat ever registered here in this month is 5°C.
Over the course of the average August, the length of your day in Prague is rapidly reducing, with a big change of 1:41 hours between the start while the end regarding the thirty days. August 1st may be the longest day's the month with 15:13 hours of daylight, whilst August 31st is the shortest day of the month, with 13:13 hours of sunlight.
Throughout August, Prague enjoys about ten hours of everyday sunlight – that’s 60 minutes less every single day compared to July – with median cloud protection of 48percent (partly cloudy) which scarcely differs after all as the month develops. Cloud coverage begins at 47% (partly cloudy) on August first and rises around 50percent (partly cloudy) by August 31st. On the average time, the sky is clear/mostly obvious 41% of that time period, partly cloudy 25% and mainly cloudy/overcast 25percent.

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