Invalidovna housing estate

Housing in Prague

It really is an ailment of enrollment that every pupils are now living in NYU Prague coordinated housing.

When choosing housing at NYU Prague students can choose between residence halls and NYU-leased flats. All structures have been recently renovated, featuring spaces with revealed ray ceilings, and positioned within a 15-30 min commute into NYU Prague educational center. All residences have actually cordless internet connections and mobile phones within student areas to make regional phone calls. Coin-operated laundry machines tend to be easily located in the basements of residences.

All students within the music system or students registered for music courses are suggested to call home in Osadni Apartments, as it's loaded with practice areas, pianos, drum sets, songs modifying facilities, and classrooms for person instruction. Pupils thinking about living in Osadni should make it their particular very first choice to their housing application.

Just take a Dorm Movie Tour!

These videos were created by NYU Prague pupils Luke Dellorso (digital camera) and Kieran Conaway (music) during their autumn 2015 semester abroad.


Housing, tuition, and charges will be billed right to your NYU Bursar account. All NYU Prague pupils is billed around housing cost, with no bearing on your last project. As soon as understood, actual housing costs will undoubtedly be put on pupil accounts and approximated fees would be reversed.

Baba_housing estate
Baba_housing estate
BABA - The Werkbund Housing Estate Prague
BABA - The Werkbund Housing Estate Prague
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