April weather in Prague

Averages for Prague in April
Weather condition lowdown
The current weather consistently get warmer in Prague, Czech Republic in April, when the springtime season is underway. With this month, the average temperature for the city begins at 6.5°C, produced by highs of 11°C during daytime and lows of 2°C in the evening. This rises to 11°C because of the end associated with thirty days, developed by highs of 16°C throughout the daytime and lows of 6°C after dark, which makes the final week of April local plumber to consult with the town if you want to vacation in Prague whenever temperatures have reached their particular warmest.
Even though it just takes place on an average of 10per cent of times, temperatures will often go above 23°C and fall below -2°C in Prague in April. The warmest temperature previously subscribed inside city during this month is 27°C, while the coldest temperature previously recorded only at now of year is -7°C.
Throughout the average April, the size of a single day is steadily increasing, with a positive change of 1:45 hours of daylight between the beginning in addition to end associated with the month. The quickest time is April 1st with 12:57 hours of daylight, as the longest time is April 30th with 14:42 hours of daylight.
in this thirty days, Prague enjoys about nine day-to-day hours of sunshine – that’s three more each day than in March – along side median cloud protection of 60per cent (partially cloudy). Cloud cover quickly decreases whilst the thirty days develops, beginning at 66per cent on April 1st and falling down to 54percent by April 30th. April 1st may be the cloudiest day of the thirty days if the sky is overcast/mostly cloudy/partly cloudy 60per cent of times and clear/mostly clear 31percent. April 30th may be the clearest day's the month, if the sky is clear/mostly clear/partly cloudy 61per cent of the time and overcast/mostly cloudy 29per cent. Over the course of the thirty days, the city is afflicted with fog on under 1 day.
The average monthly precipitation for Prague in April is 33mm/1 inch – that’s a little significantly more than the last thirty days – that is spread-out between 16 rainy days and three snowy days. The likelihood of rain occurring during this thirty days is 57%, with most likely time being April 1st when it drops on 59per cent of days additionally the least likely becoming April 27th, when it drops on 55percent of times. The probability of snowfall making an appearance in April is 13°C, starting at 19% on April 1st and falling down to 6% by April 30th. This makes the initial few days of April the best time to consult with Prague should you want to get the snow.
The most common forms of precipitation you are likely to see in Prague in April tend to be moderate rainfall (which does occur on 50percent of days with rainfall), reasonable snowfall (16%), light rain (15percent) and thunderstorms (12percent).
With fairly winter and a high potential for rain, you’ll need certainly to bring cozy garments, eg coats, jumpers and jeans if you want to see Prague in April, as well as an umbrella or a waterproof coat in the event that you plan on spending considerable time outside. It you hate cold weather and rainfall and want to visit the town whenever conditions are at their greatest, just forget about planning April and plan your travel for August as an alternative, whenever city will likely to be much warmer and drier.
At typically 67per cent, the humidity for Prague in April is relatively reasonable, compared to February and March. Today of year, the general moisture for city varies between 45per cent (comfortable) and 92percent (really humid), rarely dropping below 27% (dried out) or reaching as high as 100percent (extremely humid). The air is normally driest around April24th, if the relative humidity drops below 55percent three days regarding four, whilst it is at its most humid around April 1st, with regards to rises above 88% (really humid) 3 days away from four.
During April, typical wind speeds range between 1 m/s (light atmosphere) and 7 m/s (reasonable piece of cake), rarely exceeding 11 m/s (strong breeze). The greatest typical wind-speed of 4 m/s (gentle piece of cake) occurs around April first, as soon as the average day-to-day maximum is 7 m/s, whilst the least expensive normal wind-speed of 4 m/s does occur around April 29th, once the typical day-to-day maximum is 7 m/s.

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